Create A Hurricane Evacuation Plan For Your Pets

Do you have a plan to take care of your pets during a hurricane? Read these tips to have a plan to help keep your furry loved ones safe.

  1. Take Health Precautions
    • Consider having your pets microchipped. If you are separated during a hurricane, a shelter or veterinary office can scan the chip and you will be contacted.
    • Make sure your pets are up-to-date on vaccinations.
    • Give your pets heartworm prevention medicine. Mosquitoes thrive in humid conditions, which put your pets at risk for the spread of heartworm disease.
  2. Create a Plan
    • Designate a shelter or evacuation location for you and your pets. It’s best to evacuate with your pets but, if necessary, locate a pet-friendly animal shelter.
    • Prepare a Pet Emergency Kit, including:
      • Food & water (about a week’s supply)
      • Pet carriers
      • Medical records, photos for identification, pet insurance policy
      • Collars, leashes, harnesses etc.
      • Comfort items (toys, stuffed animals, treats)
  3. During a Hurricane
    • Keep a close eye on your pets in new surroundings. Have them on leashes or within close proximity in case you need to remove them from the area.
    • Pets’ behavior can change in stressful situations, so owners should address their needs adequately because no one knows them better than you!

During hurricane season, it’s best to plan ahead. Click here for more preparation resources!